Current and planned future surveys.
Past Surveys
Please find below a list of all past surveys that our group has been involved in. Simply click on a link to find out more information about the survey in question and any results.
Please find a list below of all current and planned future surveys. Simply click on a link below to find out more information about each survey and how you can get involved.
Current and planned future surveys.
At Friends of Bradgers Hill, we have our own dedicated “Survey Officer.” They are responsible for Scoping Out, and organising Surveys on Bradgers Hill. From plants to wildlife, our Survey Officer co-ordinates our activities on the hill, often with other organistations and authorities, to help us better understand and appreciate this special location. The information we gather feeds is fed in to all sorts of local and national data sets and helps drive activity where it is needed to protect Bradgers Hill and the bio diversity it supports.
If you’re interested in getting involved in survey work, then why not get in touch with our Survey Officer. Alternatively you might be interested in some of the other activities and events we run.